Annual Transformation Strategy Retreat

Annual Transformation Strategy Retreat

Disruptions such as economic challenges, post-pandemic developments, and geopolitical conflicts show that organizations are transforming unexpectedly. Let’s work together to facilitate your next strategy meeting.
We work with your team to identify market changes and together develop a transformational strategy positioned to improve your financial and non-financial performance


Each meeting and client outcomes vary. In consultation with the client, we will discuss and agree on key outcomes. Some of which may include: 
  • Current strategy impact and organisational readiness assessed
  • New strategic objectives and KPIs defined
  • Change strategy approach defined
  • Change strategy and new corporate strategy objectives aligned
  • Change management plans defined
  • New strategy road map developed
  • 1/1 hour post-meeting check-in group zoom/phone session
  • Free eBook copies of our Book: Transformation Ready Team: How to build a world-beating team that wins in times of rapid change
  • 5 free Repositioned Newsletters on repositioning your core business to achieve growth