Nimdier Certified Transformation Program™

Nimdier Certified Transformation Program™

Want to have a transformation-ready team? Learn how to build a world-beating team that wins in times of rapid change. This program is based on our bestseller book: Transformation-Ready- Team-How to build a world-beating team that wins in times of rapid change
The current pace of change and disruption calls for set skills that transcend functional boundaries. To survive the post-pandemic developments and the changes in the market your team must upskill to secure the future of your organisation. You will need to build a company-wide “changing capability and drive successful business transformation. Learn how to balance current operational needs and long-term goals with our expanded tailored course based on our bestseller book: Transformation-Ready- Team-How to build a world-beating team that wins in times of rapid change.


  • Drivers of transformation determined
  • Organisational transformation readiness assessment conducted
  • Broader transformational values outcomes defined- including financial and non-financial outcomes
  • Transformation strategy formulated
  • Transformation strategy aligned to corporate KPIs
  • Leadership alignment determined
  • Balancing ‘tyranny of now’ (current operational needs) and medium to long-term transformational goals
  • Transformational success skills identified
  • Free eBook of our bestseller book: Transformation-Ready- Team-How to build a world-beating team that wins in times of rapid change