If you’re a (business) leader leading no more than a 20-member team

And you’re angling for revenue only…

You may be doing something wrong

The probability of you reaching your revenue target could be as easy or difficult. Once you scale past the 20-member team things get exciting and dizzying.

VERY MUCH higher value:

What should you be doing with your team instead?

Transform your organization by focusing on shared values (profit, people, planet). Increase financial returns but also seek to improve the welfare and growth of your people. Ultimately, consider how your operations impact the environment and take proactive steps to integrate net-zero interventions into your strategy

Transform the workspace so that your team knows what it means to work in a purpose-driven organization

Transform your products and services

Transform your RACI so that every team member is accountable

Be patient (no short-term thinking) but vigorously track the transformational results in your multi-year plan

This is how you lead a small team to generate ambitious growth targets

Going into your Strategy Retreat use these parameters and let me know what the outputs are.

Wishing you all the best!

P.S Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Pre-order a copy of my new book for free– Transformation Ready Team- How to Build a World-Beating Team that Wins in Times of Rapid Change now! It will give you and your teams a 30-day roadmap to drive long-term profitability and shared value

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